Some jokes deleted from the the video included: a reference to the on-set conflict between actor Kevin Costner and director Kevin Reynolds, referring to Tina Majorino as Verwaterca Mars, and titling the film "Inconvenient Truth 3: Mariner Rising" among others.When re-watching the film for this Honest Trailer, writer Lon Harris was surprised at how little it addressed the catastrophic environmental collapse that lead to the world of water.The Mariner may have taught her to swim, but Napoleon Dynamite taught her to love. The honest title for Waterworld was 'Wild Wild Wet.' Titles designed by Robert Holtby. Aww Man, Keep the Politics Out of My Waterworld!

Very Deep Cheesy Rider Waterrrrwooooooorld, What Is The Secret Of Your Flippers? Bartering Wiiiiiiiiiild Hoooooorses Boats and Hose and. Mer MAN! Me As Soon As I'm Home From Work. , most of the characters, the story, and do 20 minutes of great practical effects and real love action scenes Perfect! Oh man, now I want a churro! So take a shot of hydro, top off your go juice, and count your chits to revisit the first and last aquapunk epic! That may have been the laughing stock of Hollywood for being an expensive set-sinking vanity project, but still has the seed of something really cool.just cut out all the terrible dialogue. Just gonna throw this out there, are they better off with Dennis Hopper? At least they get a jet ski!. Just as soon as he's done gargling his own piss and pimping out her mom. And on the way our heroic embodiment of Florida will learn to do the right thing. Watch this fish-man-out-of-water on a mission to save a girl from the only guy in the movie who knows how silly it is. But this mysterious stranger has a mutant power of being super good. In fact, nobody gets to talk when he's around!. Which, to be fair, he was! He's a man of few words. Kevin Costner is the Mariner, a hero with all the charm of a guy getting hit with a bucket of water between takes. Full of makeshift vehicles, resource-hoarding warlords, and. In an era where Michael Bay blew up Alcatraz, and Roland Emmerich blew up the world, Kevin Costner only needed one to blow up Universal in.Įnter the watery world known as Waterworld, a post-apocalypse where everyone looks like they sleep in Spongebob's dumpster.